Logger class is used to print message for information and debugging purpose. FigNet Supports serilog as default logger.
File logging can be enabled from ServerConfig.xml it will log into a text file instead of console. Logs output dir is logs/filename.txt at root level of Application.
During troubleshooting when logging level is set to ALL, the logs become overwhelmed due to the amount of data being logs. FigNet provides helper methods that can be used to subscribe to particular messages only at runtime. If not message is subscribed then logger will print info for all network message else it will print logs of subscribed message only
// Note: These methods applies when Logging Level is set to ALL
// FN.SubscribeToDetailedLog(10);
public static void SubscribeToDetailedLog(ushort messageId);
public static void UnSubscribeToDetailedLog(ushort messageId);
Or add SubscribeDebugMessages node in Configuration file