The ServerConfig.xml is the main configuration file of FigNet. It is located at the root level of binaries-folder. It is used to setup common application properties and server socket and client socket
Common Attributes
ApplicationType: Server|Client, Weather you are running your app as server or client.
FrameRate: Tick rate of Network service function
EnableFileLogs: true|false, if set to false logs will be printed on console and if set to true logs will be printed in log file placed under logs/fileName.log it is placed next to executable.
LoggingLevel: NONE|INFO|DEBUG|ALL (should be in caps)
NONE: no logs will be printed
INFO: only basic messages will be printed e.g. Connection Started, Peer Connected & Disconnected etc.
DEBUG: it prints info of all incoming & outgoing message of Sockets
ALL: same as DEBUG + it prints content of incoming & outgoing traffic
*for more details see Logging
LoggingAppSecretKey: A secret key that is used to authenticate users, if a connecting client is not providing correct key it will be disconnected by sever.
EncryptionKey: FigNet has optional encryption that can be enabled per message and key used to encrypt the message [needs to be same on both ends, server & client side]
Modules Node
AssemblyName: Name of DLL/Solution
Type: Name of class including namespace
Package: additional dependency your module depends on
For more details read Modules session
ModulesServer Config Node
Name: A descriptive name that can be used to query config instance
Port: Port number at which the server will listen for connections
Provider: Underneath Transport layer, available transports are [ LiteNetLib, ENet, TCP, WS ]
MaxChannels: Max Channels, applicable to LiteNetLib & ENet
MaxConnections: Max Allowed connections, applicable to LiteNetLib & ENet
DisconnectTimeout: in milli seconds, If Server doesn't hear from clients after this time a timeout disconnect will be fired [ applicable to LiteNetLib & ENet ]
EnableCheckSum: It adds additional 4 bytes to every network message & provides protection to data corruptions, *this property needs to be same on both sides client & server.
MaxSendQueueSize: Every out-going message gets queued into this Queue till Networking process function serialize it dispatches it. If this queue gets filled oldest messages in the queue will be dropped.
MaxReceiveQueueSize: Every in-coming message gets queued into this queue till networking process function De-serialize it and trigger the network message received event. If this queue gets filled oldest messages in the queue will be dropped.
IsMultiThreaded: If set to true, Networking will be done on separate thread [but on Network Receive events will be received on main thread because unity doesn't allows to call unity's object access from different threads ]
EnableDebugMessages: It enabled the internal logs of transport library, useful for debugging. Applicable to TCP & WebSockets only.
Peers[client] Config Node
Name: A Descriptive name to access the config instance.
Port: Port number to connect to.
PeerIp: Ip of the Server.
Provider: Underneath Transport layer, available transports are [ LiteNetLib, ENet, TCP, WS ], Server and Client have to have same provider to establish connect.
AutoConnect: On App launch client automatically initiated the connection request
MaxChannels: Max Channels, applicable to LiteNetLib & ENet
DisconnectTimeout: in milli seconds, If Client doesn't hear from server, after this time a timeout disconnect will be fired [ applicable to LiteNetLib & ENet ]
EnableCheckSum: It adds additional 4 bytes to every network message & provides protection to data corruptions, this property needs to be same on both sides client & server.
MaxSendQueueSize: Every out-going message gets queued into this Queue till Networking process function serialize it dispatches it. If this queue gets filled oldest messages in the queue will be dropped
MaxReceiveQueueSize: Every in-coming message gets queued into this queue till networking process function De-serialize it and trigger the network message received event. If this queue gets filled oldest messages in the queue will be dropped
IsMultiThreaded: If set to true, Networking will be done on separate thread [but on Network Receive events will be received on main thread because unity doesn't allows to call unity's object access from different threads ]
Peers[client] Config Unity Editor Window
SubscribeDebugMessages Node
Id: Id of message that you wants to inspect
*Note: this node is optional. When LoggingLevel in common settings is set to ALL it logs detailed info of every incoming & outgoing message. That can become overwhelming if server is receiving lots of message. Adding MessageInfo in SubscribeDebugMessages Node will log detailed info of subscribed message.
Last updated
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